I loaded my data from one computer and named it in the history, but cannot load these data into the history column from another computer, even I made it as current history.
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Question: Do not see my dataset in the history column
duw2001 • 0 wrote:
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k wrote:
Just to check: you are using the public Main Galaxy server at http://usegalaxy.org?
This may seem like a simple question, but did you log into your account when using Galaxy from the second computer? The same account?
Doing this will close all other active sessions associated with your account and the current session will be active. This should be identical in content from when you logged in previously - from any location.
If you want to move data between your own Histories, try the functions in the History menu such as "Copy History/Datasets".
As Martin asks, please provide more information if this is not your situation and proper login was not the problem. Best, Jen, Galaxy team
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Can you describe with a little more detail the steps you're taking and what exactly goes wrong?