Question: Problem with loading histories
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3.3 years ago by
United States
lisa56780 wrote:

I am taking the Coursera course "Genomic Data Science with Galaxy."  I noticed from the beginning that there was a problem with the current history being loaded and instead whenever I refresh the History Toolbar on the right side of the main home screen in Galaxy, a new Unnamed History appears.  Sometimes if I select User > Saved Histories and then view the History I want to be working with in the center panel of the main home screen in Galaxy and then click on the Switch to this history button, the History I want to be working with will be loaded into the right hand History Toolbar.  At the moment, however, this is not working and when I view All Saved Histories, it says the Current History is the one I want to be working with and has the datasets listed that I have pulled in from UCSC Main, but when I click on Done, Unnamed History loads.  When I repeat the above process of going through User > Saved Histories and then view the History I want to be working with in the center panel of the main home screen in Galaxy and then click on the Switch to this history button, the History I want to be working with IS being loaded into the right hand History Toolbar but the datasets are not there and a message that the History is empty is there instead. 

Previously, I had almost gotten through the entire set of Video Lectures but the datasets that I tried to put with their respective histories kept getting crossed up with other histories making it next to impossible to use the left hand Tools for analysis since I couldn't load the correct History to save my life and I finally ended up DELETING everything with the hopes that I could just start fresh today. 

Please help, I am beyond frustrated and would really like to be able to keep my Histories with their respective datasets separate for most efficient analysis and storage.

Thank you for your time.

Warmest Regards,

Lisa Stuart

public name lisa5678





software error galaxy • 792 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 3.3 years ago by carlfeberhard390 • written 3.3 years ago by lisa56780
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3.3 years ago by
United States
carlfeberhard390 wrote:

Hi, Lisa

Apologies for the trouble. I took a look at your account data on and it looks like you restarted the project. Are you still having the same issues?

Although I'm not entirely certain what happened in this case, Galaxy's notion of a 'current' history can cause problems especially when uploading data and switching between histories while doing the uploading. It may be that this also occurs with some tools now. We're looking into this and actively trying to make this better. A workaround for this problem (if it was indeed the source of the trouble Galaxy gave you) is to stay on one history while uploading and only switching when all datasets are in the history.

Please let us know if the problems are continuing or if you'd like any more info. 

ADD COMMENTlink written 3.3 years ago by carlfeberhard390
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