Question: May 29Th 2013 Ftp Login Resolution
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
5.5 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Dear Galaxy Main Community, We apologize for recent FTP login issues, but are glad to report that a solution is now in place. *May 29th 2013 FTP login resolution* * *Issue*: FTP login failed for user accounts newly created or that had passwords updated during the time frame May 20th - May 29th. * *Solution*: Change your Galaxy password using the form on the Main <http:"" main=""> instance at o User -> Preferences -> Manage your information o On the "Manage User Information" form, change your password o Wait ~20 minutes for the server to update, then use FTP with the new credentials * *How to use FTP Upload <http:"" ftpupload="">* * /Share notice/: Thanks for using Galaxy, The Galaxy Team <http:"" galaxyteam="">
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