Question: Fwd: Request For " Find Cluster Intervals" Tool
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9.4 years ago by
Penn State
Anton Nekrutenko1.7k wrote:
Begin forwarded message: Anton Nekrutenko
galaxy • 458 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 9.4 years ago • written 9.4 years ago by Anton Nekrutenko1.7k
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9.4 years ago by
Penn State
Anton Nekrutenko1.7k wrote:
Charu: Please, direct these types of requests to mailing lists rather than to specific developers. The problem with adding the space of **** if that it will completely break the format definition, so this is not a good idea. If you want to enumerate clusters I would propose the following workflow: 1. Identify clusters (dataset 1) 2. Merge them using the "Operate on Genomic Intervals -> Merge" (dataset 2) 3. Add identifiers using the "Text manipulation -> Add column tool"(dataset 3) 4. Join your cluster (dataset 1) with dataset 3 using "operate on Genomic Intervals -> Join" This should solve your issue. Let me know if you have trouble. Thanks, anton galaxy team Anton Nekrutenko
ADD COMMENTlink written 9.4 years ago by Anton Nekrutenko1.7k
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