Question: Recurring error messege that keep paused the job: Input dataset 'x' was deleted before the job started. To resume this job fix the input dataset(s).
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4 days ago by
egs10 wrote:

Goog eveining,

I am experincing an error messege every time that I try to run an analysis. The error says: "Input dataset 'X' was deleted before the job started. To resume this job fix the input dataset(s)." Fist, I deleted the X database long time ago and is no longer in my history (deleted permanently). Which ever analysis I try to set the same problem appears, that is, it holds paused and there is not a way to make it continue. Furthermore, the same massege appears "Input dataset 'X' was deleted before the job started. To resume this job fix the input dataset(s)." The problem started few days ago when I triyed to import some data sets from wormbase. The job never move forward and ever since each analysis I try to run, the jobs get hold in pause and cannot make it run. I would be most grateful if you could assit me in solving this problem.

Thanks in advance,


resume paused job deleted purged • 70 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 2 days ago • written 4 days ago by egs10
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2 days ago by
egs10 wrote:

Dear Jen,

You are the best, my analyses are running smoothly now.

Best regards,


ADD COMMENTlink written 2 days ago by egs10

Super, glad to hear that helped! Jen

ADD REPLYlink written 2 days ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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2 days ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


Any dataset used as an input to an analysis job must be in an active state (not deleted or permanently deleted). Deleted data can be restored to active. Permanently deleted data cannot be restored.

To use the resume function on a tool form, the original input datasets, if deleted, can be undeleted (restored to active). I suspect that at least one of the inputs, possibly nested inside of Advanced settings on the tool form, still includes a permanently deleted dataset. If you can find and replace it, that should work, but you might be better off starting over.

If all else fails, a new history can help to clear up any prior tool form setting/inputs/issues. Copy the active input datasets from the original history to a new one and/or load data new from an external source, then run the jobs again. Note: a dataset "copy" does not consume more quota space (History menu > Copy Datasets).

Once you have a successful analysis completed, consider extracting it into a Workflows for later use. Workflows make it much simpler to rerun multiple-step analysis, including changes to use different input data as all are declared/selected when a workflow is launched.

Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 2 days ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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