Hi I'm trying to use intersect intervals in Bedtools but the job has been in paused mode since morning. I tried resuming the job multiple times but that didn't help. Appreciate your help in this.
Hi I'm trying to use intersect intervals in Bedtools but the job has been in paused mode since morning. I tried resuming the job multiple times but that didn't help. Appreciate your help in this.
BEDTools > Intersect intervals find overlapping intervals in various ways expects one of these formats as an input: BAM/BED/GFF/VCF
One of your datasets is in Interval format and it failed conversion to BED format because of the extra columns that do not meet BED specification. You'll need to recreate that interval dataset and not try to convert it to BED (before fixing the format, or ever, see below). Currently, the existing data is in an error state and not usable with tools (why your downstream job is paused).
FAQs: https://galaxyproject.org/support/#getting-inputs-right
Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team