I'm logged out and followed all the instructions here: https://galaxyproject.org/support/account-quotas/
But my account is still over quota. I believe this was caused by fastq-dump. Can you help me reset my account usage?
I'm logged out and followed all the instructions here: https://galaxyproject.org/support/account-quotas/
But my account is still over quota. I believe this was caused by fastq-dump. Can you help me reset my account usage?
I reset quota usage on your account and it is now at 52.8 GB.
Next time, you can do this yourself by logging out then back into Galaxy, this part of the FAQ has the details: https://galaxyproject.org/support/account-quotas/#does-your-account-usage-quota-seem-incorrect
It is good to do that after permanently deleting large amounts of data, or whenever the calculation seems off.
Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team
Thanks Jen, I actually did log out and log back in several times but it didn't change anything.
Anyways, thanks again!
Ok, that is good to know. I'll run a test to see if that was a one-off problem or if can reproduce it (would be a bug that needs to be fixed). Appreciate the followup!
Resetting quota when logging out/in worked for me after purging data, so this was likely a brief functionality problem now resolved (the server had some other issues over the last week, most resolved now, others in progress with priority).
If you or others working at https://usegalaxy.org run into the quota-reset function not working in the future, please let us know.