Question: Over Disk Quota but purged data two days ago
gravatar for rita.rebollo
2.5 years ago by
rita.rebollo10 wrote:


I have permanent deleted a lot of my histories, but it seems I am still way above the quota. The sum of GB of all my current histories though is not over the disk quota. Maybe just a bug? Maybe it takes time (it s been two days) for the purge to happen?

Thank you and sorry I am sending so many bug reports lately.


disk quota • 792 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 2.5 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 2.5 years ago by rita.rebollo10
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
2.5 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:

Hi Rita,

I went into your account and this is what I found:

  1. Recalculating disk space recovered about 7 GB of space. Not as much as you expected, but does bring it current to match the actual active + deleted content (excludes permanently deleted content - as expected).

  2. All histories that are not status = active are permanently deleted. This is one of the correct ways to create more space.

  3. The other way to create space is to permanently delete (purge) deleted datasets (not only histories). I see many of these in the active histories I looked at. Promote these from delete -> purge/perm delete and I expect the account data will line up with what you have as active.

If after purging datasets, the quota does not go down, give it an hour then write back and I can recalculate disk usage for you again (or someone from our team will see the post and do it - we all help with this).

Sending in bug reports or asking for help are what these support channels are for, so it is so okay to use them! It helps you and when posted here at Biostars (for the generalized questions) adds to the knowledge body for other users. It is always welcome, even if it seems like a simple question - others are likely experiencing a similar learning curve, so no worries there, at all! Plus many people start out asking questions, then later share back by helping other community members with questions as they gain experience (and have time! it is certainly not required - just a bonus!).

Thanks, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink modified 2.5 years ago • written 2.5 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k

Hi Jen,

I've run in to the same sort of problem as Rita at the top of this thread. I ended up going a good 100 GB over my quota because I imported multiple large SRA files as a list. I canceled the operation before it finished and permanently deleted the data sets and purged the history. The disk usage never returned to what it was before, although it went back down below the limit.

Is there way you could recalculate the disk usage for my user account as well? Also, is there any other information I can provide that might help solve this potential bug?

Cheers, Anthony

ADD REPLYlink written 23 months ago by anthony.berndt0

I've recalculated your disk usage and you should be good to go now. Can you recall anything in particular you did when it appeared the total failed to update? How were you purging datasets?

ADD REPLYlink written 23 months ago by Dannon Baker3.7k
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