Question: planemo shed_create lead to bioblend error 404
gravatar for n.goue
5 months ago by
n.goue50 wrote:


I am running a dev galaxy18.01 on cluster HPC with a local toolshed. I am stopped at shed creation. My last command is

planemo shed_create --shed_target http://XXX.XXX.XX.XX:9009

bioblend ERROR: GET: error 404: ' Not Found</title> The resource could not be found. No route for /api/repositories WSGI Server, 0 attempts left

Could not update mytool

My other config files are :

  1. ~/.planemo.yml containing


galaxy_root: /galaxy
shed_username: "ngoue"
     key: xxxx`
     email: "@"
     password: "azerty"
  1. tool_sheds_conf.xml containing

tool_shed name="Galaxy local Test Tool Shed" url=""
  1. tool_shed.yml containing

admin_users: '@'
require_login: true
allow_user_creation: true

The web page show up with no problem and process look ok and there is no error on tool_shed_webapp.log It looks like it is a connection problem to bioblend or an identification problem ... as I am logged as

Do I have other modification to apply to config files ?

Thanks for helping,

planemo • 128 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 5 months ago • written 5 months ago by n.goue50
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