Attempting to run multiqc on a list of dataset pairs from an RNA seq experiment. However it does not recognise the txt dataset collection.
is there anyway around this?
Attempting to run multiqc on a list of dataset pairs from an RNA seq experiment. However it does not recognise the txt dataset collection.
is there anyway around this?
The fix for this problem has been made ( and will be applied to the Galaxy Main server very soon (likely today). I'll write back with an update once applied and tested.
Thanks for reporting the problem! Jen, Galaxy team
Update 12-01-17 2pm EST
Galaxy Main at has been updated.
Please rerun your job and let us know if problems continue. We are also testing today for a few bug fixes and will report back if any issues are still present.
Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team
I'm trying to do a similar quality check on a collection of dataset pairs (4 samples, each with F and R read sequence files- 8 files total). FastQC accepted the collection and output two collections: one for raw data and one for webpages, and manual inspections makes it seem like it worked. However, multiQC does not recognize either FastQC-output collections in the results file field ('collections' icon selected). It just says, "No txt or tabular dataset collections available."
Am I doing something wrong, or is this the same bug as in the OP?