Question: Solid 2 Fastq
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8.2 years ago by
juan perin20
juan perin20 wrote:
I'm getting errors in running our solid to fastq conversion tool. I'm not sure why, we have sqlite installed... This is the error. Perhaps i'm overlooking another dependency? Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/perin/galaxy/galaxy- dist/tools/next_gen_conversion/", line 7, in ? import sqlite3 ImportError: No module named sqlite3 Thanks in advance. Juan
galaxy • 1.4k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 8.2 years ago by Kevin150 • written 8.2 years ago by juan perin20
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8.2 years ago by
Kevin150 wrote:
I had the same problems with CentOS. the module is named as sqlite so you need to grep and replace sqlite3 with sqlite where it appears. Cheers Kevin
ADD COMMENTlink written 8.2 years ago by Kevin150
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