Question: unable to permanently delete a dataset from Galaxy
Laura.Collins • 0 wrote:
I have deleted some galaxy datasets to free up memory. I would like to permanently delete them but when I select this option I get an error message in red saying:
Unable to purge dataset. Please contact a Galaxy administrator if the problem persists.
I've tried logging out and back in again but I still can't permanently delete any unwanted dataset. I'm not sure how to contact a Galaxy administrator. Any help would be appreciated.
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modified 3.7 years ago
Dannon Baker ♦ 3.7k
3.7 years ago by
Laura.Collins • 0
Can you tell me exactly how you went about trying to purge the datasets? (which menu, etc.)
Under the current history I deleted the datasets that I no longer needed by clicking the delete option. I then selected the deleted link to view all datasets including deletions. I selected the option to remove the datasets permanently from the disk.
Are you still seeing this behavior today?
It appears to be deleting permanently as expected right now. I've managed to delete 2 histories that were taking up space, however, the available space hasn't adjusted to reflect this.
I've just seen that the memory has increased so perhaps it takes a while. Thanks for the help!
Happy to help - I manually recalculated things and you should be good to go now.