Question: Galaxy-Encodedb Connection Issues
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12.4 years ago by
Prachi Shah20
Prachi Shah20 wrote:
Hi Istvan, It seems the connection between galaxy and encodedb is broken again. Nothing has changed at the ENCODEdb end that may have caused this problem. Here is the traceback error we receive: URL: File 'build/bdist.darwin-8.5.1-i386/egg/paste/exceptions/ ', line 138 in __call__ File 'build/bdist.darwin-8.5.1-i386/egg/paste/', line 65 in lint_app File '/var/opt/universe/wsgi-postgres- main/eggs/flup-0.5-py2.4.egg/flup/middlewar e/', line 743 in __call__ File 'build/bdist.darwin-8.5.1-i386/egg/paste/', line 54 in __call__ File 'build/bdist.darwin-8.5.1-i386/egg/paste/', line 619 in __call__ File 'build/bdist.darwin-8.5.1-i386/egg/paste/', line 112 in catch_errors_app File '/var/opt/universe/wsgi-postgres-main/galaxy/web/', line 104 in __call__ body = method( trans, **kwargs ) exceptions.TypeError: default() takes at least 3 non-keyword arguments (2 given) As a way for galaxy to identify where the data request is coming from, you had set up a dedicated link to send params to (.../async/encode_db1). Is that still valid? Thanks Prachi
galaxy • 749 views
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