Question: Fw: Fwd: Fw: Fw: Is Galaxy Down?
Laura Elnitski • 130 wrote:
thanks for your help. the message below shows another error we're
getting. Normally, we'd take more time to investigate the problem
before asking you, but our manuscript is out for review right now and
we need resolution of this ASAP. If you think it can only be handled
on our end, let me know, but if you have suggestions for the fix- we
would greatly appreciate hearing them.
Thanks again,
To: Elnitski, Laura (NIH/NHGRI) [E];
Cc: Wolfsberg, Tyra (NIH/NHGRI) [E]; Baxevanis, Andy (NIH/NHGRI) [E]
Subject: Re: Fwd: Fw: [Galaxy-user] FW: Is Galaxy down?
Hi Laura,
Switched the URL so it's pointing to the correct public port. So now
it's getting access to the galaxy server but now another error has
developed. It looks like they must have changed the script on their
and that it's now taking different arguments. This error is out of my
scope since I really don't have any expertise with the scripts on
Galaxy. I think Prachi should look into this.
Server Error
Module paste.exceptions.errormiddleware:*138* in |__call__|
Module paste.lint:*65* in |lint_app|
Module flup.middleware.session:*743* in |__call__|
Module paste.recursive:*54* in |__call__|
Module paste.httpexceptions:*619* in |__call__|
Module paste.wsgilib:*112* in |catch_errors_app|
Module galaxy.web.framework:*104* in |__call__|
|<< <http:"" async="" encode_db1#=""> kwargs *=*
kwargs*.*update*(* map *)*
body *=* method*(* trans*,* ****kwargs *)*
# Now figure out what we got back and try to get it to the browser in
# a smart way
||>> <http:"" async="" encode_db1#="">body *=* method*(*
trans*,* ****kwargs *)*|
*exceptions.TypeError: default() takes at least 3 non-keyword
(2 given)