My problem is that Cufflinks does not recognize the gtf file that I provide. It shows an error that the gff ID is duplicated but I am not using a gff file. How can I set the parameter as gtf so that Cufflinks will use my gtf file?
My problem is that Cufflinks does not recognize the gtf file that I provide. It shows an error that the gff ID is duplicated but I am not using a gff file. How can I set the parameter as gtf so that Cufflinks will use my gtf file?
Would you like to share a sample of your file? A bit of the header, maybe a few lines in the middle, and the last 10 or so lines. You can use tools in the "Text Manipulation" tool group to do this quickly.
I have a few ideas about what might be going on, but rather than guess and list all out, let's looks at the actual file and figure it out together. Please include a link to the exact source if at all possible.
Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team
ps: If this has been solved already, just let us know.
Hi Jen,
I solved the problem. I found out that it is easier to use a gff file that I modify before using it with cufflinks. Cufflinks uses a script to convert gff to gtf:
gffread -E annotation.gff -T -o- | more
My idea war to have EntrezGeneIds instead of GFF ID=genexxx.
Thanks for replaying anyway.
Cheers Jochen
There is another script available at to convert gff to gtf