Question: Order Of Steps
gravatar for Zhiqiang Shu
6.0 years ago by
Zhiqiang Shu80
Zhiqiang Shu80 wrote:
Hi, I have two simple questions related to manipulating step history. So, how to change the order of steps, for example, put step 7 right after step 3. Second question is related, how to re-order steps, for instance, I deleted step 4 and 5 and want the next step (step 6) to take the order of 4, just to make them look nicer. How can I do that? Thanks Zhiqiang
ADD COMMENTlink modified 6.0 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 6.0 years ago by Zhiqiang Shu80
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6.0 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Hello Zhiqiang, The History menu (gear icon, top right corner of history panel) has an option named "Copy Datasets". The form will be displayed in the center panel, with the current history's datasets listed on the left. Click the items you wish to move, then on the right side of the form when specifying a destination, choose an existing history or type in a name to create a new history. Then scroll to the bottom of the from and click on the button to execute the copy. Datasets selected will be copied into the new location in the order they appear in the source history (numbered order). You can do a few things to rearrange: 1 - only select datasets that you wish to retain 2 - copy datasets in the order that you want them to appear in the new history Tips: 3 - you can copy into the same destination history as many times as you want 4 - you can copy from different originating histories and into the same single destination history (with different copy operations) 5 - order is under your control: using your example, since dataset #7 is after #4 in the original history, copy #7 first with one operation then go back to the form again and then copy dataset #4 6 - copy multiple datasets at a time by selecting them all during the same copy action, if they are already in the order you want them to appear in the destination history Warnings: 7 - copying all original inputs used for output files copied over is in many cases a good idea. Labeling datasets with custom names can likely help to keep track of which inputs were used for which jobs. Applying these dataset name labels before running jobs has some advantages (see the next warning #8). 8 - the "i" info icon that points to the job information page will retain the original job's input/settings. This means that datasets will be labeled by the original dataset(s) number and name. This can be confusing. Custom dataset labeling will likely help - the dataset numbers won't change but the name could be used to help map back to the original inputs. Dataset name labels: Click on the pencil icon to reach the 'Edit Attributes' form. Labeling the name is the key attribute for this type of manipulation but you can also add text to the info/comments fields. Hopefully this helps! Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Jackson
ADD COMMENTlink written 6.0 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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