Question: Getting Error In Bismark
gravatar for Sachit Adhikari
6.1 years ago by
Sachit Adhikari320 wrote:
I am getting this error at the top while opening Bismark Mapper: Data table named 'bismark_bs_indeces' is required by tool but not configured. I got Bismark from official toolshed.
ADD COMMENTlink modified 6.1 years ago by Björn Grüning350 • written 6.1 years ago by Sachit Adhikari320
gravatar for Björn Grüning
6.1 years ago by
Björn Grüning350 wrote:
Hi Sachit, bismark is not yet in any official toolshed. It is in the test- toolshed and there are reasons for it :) Try to apply that patch and it should work: bismark/changeset/446c309fe6d346362ad0bcc29a216121553dd361 Cheers, Bjoern
ADD COMMENTlink written 6.1 years ago by Björn Grüning350
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