Question: (Closed) Memory allocation error while trying to align paired end reads using RNA STAR
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7 months ago by
skumar5330 wrote:


This is my first time using Galaxy for RNA Seq analysis. After uploading and normalizing my reference genome, I tried to align my paired-end fastq reads to this genome using RNA STAR. Unfortunately, the jobs failed with the error " This job was terminated because it used more memory than it was allocated". Can someone help me with this while also letting me know how much space I can use on Galaxy?


ADD COMMENTlink written 7 months ago by skumar5330

Hello skumar53!

Questions similar to yours can already be found at:

We have closed your question to allow us to keep similar content in the same thread.

If you disagree with this please tell us why in a reply below. We'll be happy to talk about it.


PS: The job is running out of memory during execution. Please see the help in the prior Q&A.
ADD REPLYlink written 7 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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