Question: how to get the file of N2 SNP filtered
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8 months ago by
1731782234910 wrote:

Dear sir/madam: How do you do ? i want to find the mutant gene under the background of CB4856 SNP ,so i need both HA reference gennome file and the file of N2 SNP filtered and unfiltered ,right ? but ,i have trouble in geting them. in fact ,the experiment was executed in this way: P0 wildtype (CB4856) X mutation(N2)


F1 Heterozygote | F2 Homozygous(Whole genome sequencing) I will appreciate it If you can give me some suggestions. Thanks a lot.

wgs analysis • 432 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 8 months ago • written 8 months ago by 1731782234910
gravatar for Wolfgang Maier
8 months ago by
Wolfgang Maier600 wrote:

It is, at least, somewhat unusual to try to start with a Hawaiian reference. Normally, you'd use an N2 reference and a list of Hawaiian SNPs instead. From a previous thread it sounded as if you had access to both of these. Correct?

Maybe you should follow this tutorial first. The MiModD tools used there are now available at and, compared to the old CloudMap suite of tools, make for far simpler workflows. Just one note about the tutorial: when working on you should use bowtie2 instead of MiModD's native Read Alignment tool at the alignment step and the SnpEff Variant effect and annotation tool instead of the MiModD Variant Annotation tool. The details are explained here.

ADD COMMENTlink written 8 months ago by Wolfgang Maier600
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8 months ago by
1731782234910 wrote:

Thanks so much for your answer .Actually ,i had ever used an N2 reference and a list of Hawaiian SNPs ,and the question is that the maximum value of Y- axis is 0.7 ,less than 1,so that the curve graphs can not get its peak value ,and i cannot find the mutant region. As a result ,i need an Hawaiian reference and a list of N2 SNPs instead.And in fact ,i do not know where and how to download them.

ADD COMMENTlink written 8 months ago by 1731782234910

the maximum value of Y- axis is 0.7 ,less than 1,so that the curve graphs can not get its peak value ,and i cannot find the mutant region

I don't think I understand this completely. Are you saying you are getting a peak (it would be nice if you could tell us with which tool, by the way) at 0.7, but you are not trusting it because it is < 1, or is it that the graph is clipped at 0.7 so you cannot determine where the peak is?

Whatever the problem is though, why do you think that exchanging the reference and the SNPs list will help you? You could certainly get the Hawaiian reference from the Wormbase ftp site, but I'm not sure where you would get an N2 SNPs VCF file from. Are you still using CloudMap and hoping that the Variant Discovery Mapping tool will give you better results than the Hawaiian Variant Mapping tool? Really, it is hard to provide useful help without knowing the details.

ADD REPLYlink written 8 months ago by Wolfgang Maier600

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