I have thousands sequencing files, in those files, there are 4 different files: three different barcodes and one background, I try to split them by "barcode spliter" application, but it's not work because the barcodes randomly exist in the sequence text, I think perhaps I need a alignment application to recognize my barcode in the text files, can any suggestion given to solve this problem?
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Question: How can I group files by barcode?
jixueli • 10 wrote:
jixueli • 10 wrote:
Hi, Thanks for your help. I have solved this problem by use tools of Galaxy-filter and sort-select by (barcode sequence){1,}, then trim them by using python newsequencing=myfile.readline(position1:position2). Thanks!
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k wrote:
True, the barcode splitting will not work for your use case. Instead, try the tool NGS: Mothur > Trim.seqs.
There is a link near the bottom of the tool form to the Mothur wiki that can help with usage. And a Galaxy tutorial using the tool suite as an example is here: http://galaxyproject.github.io/training-material/topics/metagenomics/
Hope this helps! Jen, Galaxy team
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