Question: FASTAQ file failing to convert to Fastaqsanger on FASTAQ Groomer
nsps.2502 • 0 wrote:
I have a fasta file for a gene sequence which I had obtained from Wormbase. Also I have a paired-end wgs file which I concatenated on galaxy. I wish to align the gene sequence to the WGS sequence and get potential SNPs. I created a FASTAQ file from the gene fasta file on galaxy by converting the fasta file to tabular and then to fastaq. This fatsaq file, however, fails to be converted to fastaqsanger file on FASTAQ groomer. I get the following error:
AssertionError: Invalid FASTQ file: quality score length (4) does not match sequence length (24).
I can't get a QC report for this FASTAQ file or the original FASTA file.
I do not know what else to do or try. Please help.