Question: MPileup output errror ALT <X> QUAL 0
edouglasrobertson • 0 wrote:
When using MPileup I received an error in that all the output was for chr10 (even when my file only contained info for chr20), the ALT position was always X, and the quality score was 0. Therefore for some reason the variant calling failed but I don't know why. Can anyone help?
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modified 20 months ago
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k
20 months ago by
edouglasrobertson • 0
There might be a reference genome mismatch problem. Double check that the same genome was used for the mapping step as was assigned for the option "Using reference genome" on the Mpileup tool form. If using a Custom reference genome, ensure that it was first run through the tool NormalizeFasta with the option to wrap at 80 bases and clip the title line at the first whitespace (or is in that format already).
If you cannot determine the problem and are either working at or can reproduce the problem there, an email with a shared history link can be sent to Please also include a link to this post.
Thanks, Jen, Galaxy team
I've sent a link to my history. Its not a custom reference so I don't see what the problem is.