Question: Install Problem: Sqlite Dbapi Not Found
gravatar for Ross Lazarus
11.5 years ago by
Ross Lazarus30
Ross Lazarus30 wrote:
Thomas, this problem bit me too and you'll probably get half a dozen identical responses :) - you need to use a Python2.4 compiled with the '--enable-unicode=ucs4' flag - see the # 15 in As I understand it, this isn't a problem for Mac users but will affect most linux distributions using the system python, so FWIW, I think this is going to annoy enough potential developers to be worth some effort to solve. Unfortunately, aside from a separate release with all-ucs2-compatible eggs for linux, I'm not sure there's an obvious solution.... -- Ross Lazarus MBBS MPH, Director of Bioinformatics Channing Laboratory, 181 Longwood Ave., Boston MA 02115, USA. Voice: +617 525 2730 Fax: +617 525 0958
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