How do you add subsections to the shed tool conf file so tools can be grouped under each drop-down according to package. Example would be cufflinks and deseq are both under differential expression, but I would like a sub heading above each tool group that says cufflinks and deseq.
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Question: Sub groups within galaxy shed tool conf file
djevo1 • 60 wrote:
• link
modified 2.1 years ago
Devon Ryan • 1.9k
2.1 years ago by
djevo1 • 60
Devon Ryan • 1.9k wrote:
Below is an example:
<label id="random_label" text="A big label above the differential expression stuff" />
<section id="some_id" name="NGS: Differential Expression">
<label id="cufflinks_label" text="Cufflinks stuff" />
<tool stuff_goes_here />
<label id="deseq_label" text="DESeq2 stuff" />
<tool different_stuff_goes_here />
So, there's a section with a label above it. Inside of that are additional labels
Here is what I have, but it only generates a label called null above the tools in the section.
<section id="hts:_rna_analysis" name="HTS: RNA Analysis" version="">
<label id= "mapping" name="Mapping"/>
<tool file="" guid="">
It seems galaxy is placing the labels above the incorrect tools. I am not sure why this is happening as the mapping programs are listed above cufflinks.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<toolbox tool_path="../shed_tools">
<section id="hts:_rna_analysis" name="HTS: RNA Analysis" version="">
<label id= "mapping" text="Mapping" />
<tool file="" guid="">
<tool file="" guid="">
<tool file="" guid="">
<label id= "cuff_diff" text="Cufflinks" />
<tool file="" guid="">
<tool file="" guid="">
<tool file="" guid="">
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