Question: Limiting blast output on the Cloud
avoltz • 30 wrote:
I'm using galaxy on the cloud. Is there a way to limit blast output? For example, when I run command line blast I can use "max_target_seqs" to limit the output. I don't see this choice anywhere in the documentation. Does anyone know if there is a way to set something so I don't get so many blast hits per query? Thanks, Amy
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modified 2.1 years ago
Bjoern Gruening ♦ 5.1k
2.1 years ago by
avoltz • 30
Which Galaxy Blast wrapper are you using? You can include a link to the Tool Shed, the tool version reported on the "i" Info form (included per dataset), or anything that specifies a particular tool/wrapper that can be found uniquely in the Tool Shed Jen, Galaxy team
Hi Jennifer, How would I know which Blast wrapper I am using?
This is noted as part of the tool name as displayed in Galaxy. The upper "Options" menu also has a link-out to the Tool Shed repository the tool was sourced from - and this has the full exact version name.
The Tool Shed will also have the repository tip files which can be used to map out which command-line options are supported on the tool form. You might be able to look at these yourself - create an account on the Tool Shed ( log in, navigate to the too, and use the "Repository Actions" menu.
Or, I'll be able to help more and point you to the option (if supported) if I know which tool version you are using. Different versions/tool authors may structure the tool form differently.
Next time please reply as a comment so that this stays open until we are able to resolve the question. :) thanks!