Hi, I've been trying to upload some sequencing data to Galaxy over the last day or so and although the data is added to the history only a few of the files are being processed, I tried the following but without success 1) leaving it to run overnight 2) refreshing the history 3) deleting the files and reuploading unfortunately although a couple of the files are processed, the majority were still in a queue awaiting analysis. Is there anything else that I can try? Thanks Catherine
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Question: Galaxy server slow to process files
catherine.morrissey • 0 wrote:
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modified 2.3 years ago
Nate Coraor ♦ 3.2k
2.3 years ago by
catherine.morrissey • 0
Nate Coraor ♦ 3.2k wrote:
Jobs weren't moving due to a recent infrastructure change (we added some new VMs to run Galaxy's job handlers), this has been fixed and jobs are running now. There may be some delays as Galaxy and the cluster work through the backlog of jobs. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for reporting this.
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What Galaxy are you using, is it usegalaxy.org? How large are the files? How are you uploading it?
Yes I'm using usegalaxy.org. The files are fastq files (9000KB-20000KB approx), there are 66 of them in total. I have uploaded them from my hard drive disk. I have done this many times before without issues but the past day or so I have been having problems.
When you say 'the majority were still in a queue awaiting analysis' do you mean they are grey, yellow, or red? Did the upload modal window add them to the history? Are you familiar with the javascript console in your browser (can you please check for errors there if you are?).