Question: How to move data from a server to galaxy running on another server
zfrenchee • 0 wrote:
I'm running Bjoern's Docker Galaxy and have been wanting to move data from a local server (but not my local computer) to galaxy. I initially looked into FXP but that didn't really go anywhere. I also have a script which uses the bioblend galaxy api to upload groups of files to data libraries. But I was wondering whether I was overlooking something, some easy way to move large files to galaxy, short of this script.
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modified 2.5 years ago
Hotz, Hans-Rudolf • 1.8k
2.5 years ago by
zfrenchee • 0
Using the bioblend galaxy api in a script to generate datalibraries sounds like the best way to me.
Maybe you can elaborate a bit, how the 'external' data looks like: - is it static/dynamic - all files have the same type, i.e. it is just a bunch of fastg files - the date is stored in a complicated/random directory - etc.
Regards, Hans-Rudolf
Let's assume it's a bunch of big fastq files on a server, called B. You're at your local computer A, and galaxy is on a cloud-service provider VM called C. You want to get your fastq files from B to C without passing through A. You can ssh into both B and C. What's the best way to move say 10GB, 100BG, 1TB, from B to C?