I have installed a copy of the main Galaxy distribution onto my local system - and am currently trying to run a few scripts associated with given Galaxy tools from the command line.
I have managed to run 'interval_maf_to_merged_fasta.py' successfully - this is the python script associated with the 'Stitch MAF blocks' tool on the web-based platform - https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/blob/master/tools/maf/interval_maf_to_merged_fasta.py
However, I have ran into difficulty trying to run 'interval2maf.py' which is the python script associated with the 'Extract MAF blocks' - https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/blob/master/tools/maf/interval2maf.py
I understand that in both of these scripts - the MAF files must be indexed in some way before the script can be successfully run.
Both scripts contain the following option so the script can locate custom MAF indices (i.e. not cached versions):
-I, --mafIndex=I: Path of precomputed source MAF file index, if not using cached version
However, the 'interval2maf.py' script contains an additional option not included within the previous python script.
-l, --indexLocation=l: Override default maf_index.loc file
It seems to me that the -I option and the -l option are achieving the same goal. But I know that this cannot be the case.
When I post the following command with associated options:
python interval2maf.py -d hg38 -p hg38,panTro4,ponAbe2 -m chr1_KI270707v1_random.maf -i region.bed -o results.maf -t user -c 0 -s 1 -S 5 -e 2 -P n -r n -l maf_index -I ./
I get the following error message:
Fatal Error: The MAF source specified (user) appears to be invalid.
I have no idea why this is the case, given that I have specified the correct MAF file and the correct MAF index file. I am not sure whether I am using the -I and -l options properly - but to me they seem to be specifying the same thing'
However, if I fail to specify the -l option at all - I invoke the following error message:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "interval2maf.py", line 139, in <module> if __name__ == "__main__": __main__() File "interval2maf.py", line 92, in __main__ index = maf_utilities.maf_index_by_uid( options.mafType, options.mafIndexFile ) File "/Users/bradleyt/Documents/galaxy-master/lib/galaxy/tools/util/maf_utilities.py", line 284, in maf_index_by_uid for line in open( index_location_file ): TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found
I am not sure what these error messages mean, or how to resolve the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated