Question: User data not found for Openstack instance
gravatar for maclean199
3.1 years ago by
maclean1990 wrote:


At the moment Cloud Launch can spawn an instance in my Openstack cloud but it does not successfully grab the user data from I can't curl the data either. Is there any workaround to this? We're on the Juno release of OS. 

[INFO] cm_autorun:78 2015-10-19 18:21:16,144: Getting user data from '', attempt 0
[INFO] cm_autorun:89 2015-10-19 18:21:16,149: User data not found. Setting it to empty.
[INFO] cm_autorun:447 2015-10-19 18:21:16,149: Received empty user data; assuming default contextualization
[DEBUG] cm_autorun:354 2015-10-19 18:21:16,150: Default bucket url:
[DEBUG] cm_autorun:451 2015-10-19 18:21:16,151: Resorting to the default bucket to get the boot script:
[INFO] cm_autorun:239 2015-10-19 18:21:16,151: Getting boot script from '' and saving it locally to '/opt/cloudman/boot/'
[DEBUG] cm_autorun:246 2015-10-19 18:21:17,431: Got boot script from ''
[INFO] cm_autorun:313 2015-10-19 18:21:17,431: Running boot script '/opt/cloudman/boot/'
[ERROR] cm_autorun:321 2015-10-19 18:21:34,719: Error running boot script '/opt/cloudman/boot/'. Process returned code '1' and following stderr: 2015-10-19 18:21:34,355 DEBUG  cm_boot:21  - Successfully ran 'apt-get update; apt-get install bash'
2015-10-19 18:21:34,357 DEBUG  cm_boot:399 - virtual-burrito seems to be installed
2015-10-19 18:21:34,712 DEBUG  cm_boot:21  - Successfully ran '/bin/bash -l -c 'VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_LOG_DIR=/tmp/; HOME=/home/ubuntu; . /home/ubuntu/.venvburrito/; lsvirtualenv | grep CM''
2015-10-19 18:21:34,713 DEBUG  cm_boot:402 - 'CM' virtualenv found
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/cloudman/boot/", line 517, in <module>
  File "/opt/cloudman/boot/", line 494, in main
    with open(os.path.join(CM_BOOT_PATH, USER_DATA_FILE)) as ud_file:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/cm/userData.yaml'

[INFO] cm_autorun:605 2015-10-19 18:21:34,719: ---> /usr/bin/ done <--- 

ADD COMMENTlink modified 3.1 years ago • written 3.1 years ago by maclean1990
gravatar for Dannon Baker
3.1 years ago by
Dannon Baker3.7k
United States
Dannon Baker3.7k wrote:

It sounds like the metadata server for your cloud is busted or otherwise unreachable (perhaps incorrect routing?).  Can you look at the nova logs (or ask someone else to) to figure out what's going on from that end?

ADD COMMENTlink written 3.1 years ago by Dannon Baker3.7k
gravatar for maclean199
3.1 years ago by
maclean1990 wrote:

After restarting nova-api the metadata service came back and the instance is now able to successfully get its user-data but then the process ends when it looks for userData.yml in /tmp/cm/ and it's not there.

[INFO] cm_autorun:78 2015-10-22 13:21:48,638: Getting user data from '', attempt 0
[DEBUG] cm_autorun:82 2015-10-22 13:21:48,643: Saving user data in its original format to file '/opt/cloudman/boot/original_userData.yaml'
[DEBUG] cm_autorun:86 2015-10-22 13:21:48,643: Got user data
[INFO] cm_autorun:501 2015-10-22 13:21:48,643: Handling user data in YAML format.


[ERROR] cm_autorun:321 2015-10-22 13:23:22,825: Error running boot script '/opt/cloudman/boot/'. Process returned code '1' and following stderr: 2015-10-22 13:23:22,626 DEBUG cm_boot:21 - Successfully ran 'apt-get update; apt-get install bash'
2015-10-22 13:23:22,627 DEBUG  cm_boot:399 - virtual-burrito seems to be installed
2015-10-22 13:23:22,819 DEBUG  cm_boot:21  - Successfully ran '/bin/bash -l -c 'VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_LOG_DIR=/tmp/; HOME=/home/ubuntu; . /home/ubuntu/.venvburrito/; lsvirtualenv | grep CM''
2015-10-22 13:23:22,819 DEBUG  cm_boot:402 - 'CM' virtualenv found
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/cloudman/boot/", line 517, in <module>
  File "/opt/cloudman/boot/", line 494, in main
    with open(os.path.join(CM_BOOT_PATH, USER_DATA_FILE)) as ud_file:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/cm/userData.yaml'

Can anyone shed some light on why this is occurring? 

Full cm_autorun.log:

[INFO] cm_autorun:78 2015-10-22 13:21:48,638: Getting user data from '', attempt 0
[DEBUG] cm_autorun:82 2015-10-22 13:21:48,643: Saving user data in its original format to file '/opt/cloudman/boot/original_userData.yaml'
[DEBUG] cm_autorun:86 2015-10-22 13:21:48,643: Got user data
[INFO] cm_autorun:501 2015-10-22 13:21:48,643: Handling user data in YAML format.
[INFO] cm_autorun:369 2015-10-22 13:21:48,649: Setting up password-based login for user 'ubuntu'
[INFO] cm_autorun:369 2015-10-22 13:21:48,836: Setting up password-based login for user 'galaxy'
[INFO] cm_autorun:397 2015-10-22 13:21:48,972: freenx-server is not installed; not configuring it
[DEBUG] cm_autorun:575 2015-10-22 13:21:48,972: Composed user data (with the following keys filtered out ['password', 'freenxpass', 'access_key', 'secret_key']): {'storage_type': u'volume', 's3_port': 8080, 'cloud_type': u'openstack', 'initial_cluster_type': u'None', 'cluster_name': u'Biocloud', 'role': 'master', 'bucket_cluster': 'cm-a76621402fef00c9bbf3ee726330c1ce', 'boot_script_path': '/opt/cloudman/boot', 'ec2_conn_path': u'/services/Cloud', 'region_name': u'nova_ec2', 'cidr_range': u'', 'region_endpoint': u'', 'ec2_port': 8773, 'storage_size': u'10', 'cloud_name': u'Openstack', 'boot_script_name': '', 'is_secure': False, 'custom_image_id': u'', 'cloudman_home': '/mnt/cm', 'bucket_default': u'cloudman', 'custom_instance_type': u'', 's3_host': u'', 's3_conn_path': u'/'}
[ERROR] cm_autorun:415 2015-10-22 13:21:48,986: Error running 'mountpoint -q /mnt'. Process returned code '1' and following stderr: ''
[WARNING] cm_autorun:439 2015-10-22 13:21:48,986: Mountpoint /mnt not available and no device /dev/xvdb
[DEBUG] cm_autorun:124 2015-10-22 13:21:48,986: Establishing boto S3 connection to a custom Object Store
[DEBUG] cm_autorun:161 2015-10-22 13:22:36,578: Cluster bucket 'cm-a76621402fef00c9bbf3ee726330c1ce' not found.
[DEBUG] cm_autorun:268 2015-10-22 13:22:36,579: Using default bucket 'cloudman'
[DEBUG] cm_autorun:354 2015-10-22 13:22:36,579: Default bucket url:
[DEBUG] cm_autorun:294 2015-10-22 13:22:36,579: Could not get boot script '' from cluster bucket 'cm-a76621402fef00c9bbf3ee726330c1ce'; retrieving the public one from bucket url ''
[INFO] cm_autorun:239 2015-10-22 13:22:36,579: Getting boot script from '' and saving it locally to '/opt/cloudman/boot/'
[DEBUG] cm_autorun:246 2015-10-22 13:22:36,672: Got boot script from ''
[DEBUG] cm_autorun:297 2015-10-22 13:22:36,672: Saved boot script to '/opt/cloudman/boot/'
[DEBUG] cm_autorun:124 2015-10-22 13:22:36,673: Establishing boto S3 connection to a custom Object Store
[DEBUG] cm_autorun:161 2015-10-22 13:23:10,601: Cluster bucket 'cm-a76621402fef00c9bbf3ee726330c1ce' not found.
[INFO] cm_autorun:313 2015-10-22 13:23:10,601: Running boot script '/opt/cloudman/boot/'
[ERROR] cm_autorun:321 2015-10-22 13:23:22,825: Error running boot script '/opt/cloudman/boot/'. Process returned code '1' and following stderr: 2015-10-22 13:23:22,626 DEBUG  cm_boot:21  - Successfully ran 'apt-get update; apt-get install bash'
2015-10-22 13:23:22,627 DEBUG  cm_boot:399 - virtual-burrito seems to be installed
2015-10-22 13:23:22,819 DEBUG  cm_boot:21  - Successfully ran '/bin/bash -l -c 'VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_LOG_DIR=/tmp/; HOME=/home/ubuntu; . /home/ubuntu/.venvburrito/; lsvirtualenv | grep CM''
2015-10-22 13:23:22,819 DEBUG  cm_boot:402 - 'CM' virtualenv found
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/cloudman/boot/", line 517, in <module>
  File "/opt/cloudman/boot/", line 494, in main
    with open(os.path.join(CM_BOOT_PATH, USER_DATA_FILE)) as ud_file:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/cm/userData.yaml'
[INFO] cm_autorun:605 2015-10-22 13:23:22,826: ---> /usr/bin/ done <---
ADD COMMENTlink modified 3.1 years ago • written 3.1 years ago by maclean1990

Progress!  So this is a fresh instance started *after* the metadata server was restarted (and working), correct?

ADD REPLYlink written 3.1 years ago by Dannon Baker3.7k

Yes that's correct. Something else is still not quite right.

ADD REPLYlink modified 3.1 years ago • written 3.1 years ago by maclean1990
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