Question: Galaxy API: Tool build data missing html for input fields
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3.2 years ago by
ivar.grytten50 wrote:


I noticed the following when using the api for getting tool info


If you run this in a browser window where are already signed into Galaxy, you get the full html for input select dataset fields, e.g. opening the following in a browser window:{replace with your api key}&history_id={replace with a history id}

If you go the the above url in a browser where you are not signed in, the data returned does not contain the html for input select fields that are supposed to contain a list of datasets.

This does not seem to be because of authentication failure, since if you skip the key parameter in a browser where you are not already signed in, you get the correct error message.

Is this a bug, or am I missing something? Are there other parameters that are automatically set if you are signed in, and that should be sent in the request?

(Note: It may be hard to find the html field in the returned json by eye, and see that it is empty, but a quick look at the length of the response should make you aware that there is a difference in what is returned)

tool api • 782 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 3.2 years ago • written 3.2 years ago by ivar.grytten50
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