Question: Unable To Run Previously Working Workflows
gravatar for Manuel Leichsenring
8.3 years ago by
Manuel Leichsenring20 wrote:
Hello everybody, Since last evening (european time) I am not able to run any of my workflows successfully, even with data that previously worked. The results are rather inconsistent. Sometimes I get the message "Server Error An error occurred. See the error logs for more information. (Turn debug on to display exception reports here)", sometimes I get the message that the job was submitted successfully. I tried to turn on the the debug mode, but couldn't find the option. The workflow then is aborted at more or less random steps. Some parts of the workflow continue to the end sometimes, other times even the first step doesn't work, even if as simple as fetching flanking regions. A more frequent error is, that after joining two queries on genomic intervals, the result has wrong column annotations, i.e. after joining a 5-column query with a 18-column query the result only is said to have 5 columns (from the first file), although the data is added for all 23. I am posting this because I am not sure whether this is a current problem that is already being worked on, or whether I am the only one having it. Cheers Manuel -- GMX DSL SOMMER-SPECIAL: Surf & Phone Flat 16.000 fĂźr nur 19,99 Âż/mtl.!*
ADD COMMENTlink modified 8.3 years ago by Dannon Baker3.7k • written 8.3 years ago by Manuel Leichsenring20
gravatar for Dannon Baker
8.3 years ago by
Dannon Baker3.7k
United States
Dannon Baker3.7k wrote:
Manuel, We have applied a patch that should resolve the issues you were seeing. Let me know if you find that you still have issues with your workflows. -Dannon
ADD COMMENTlink written 8.3 years ago by Dannon Baker3.7k
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