Our lab has a local instance of galaxy up and running fine, but we'd like to offer access to people outside of the lab or on other computers, ideally through a web browser and similar to the public servers. Is there any way to just link someone to your local instance - like how you can link someone to one of the public galaxy servers? If not, has anyone had experience with the best way to share a local instance? We'd like people to be able to use all the tools & workflows on our instance without having to download them / their dependencies themselves. If there's a way to limit access to people with particular Galaxy usernames - or any other way - that would be great as well. Comments from anyone who's already worked through how to share a local instance would be most appreciated.
I've already tried searching Biostars and the Galaxy Wiki, and looked at the "Share or Publish" screencast, but I couldn't find anything related to sharing your entire local instance (or if it's even an option). Sorry if I just missed a page that offers a tutorial on how to do something like this.
Thanks much,