When I run the Picard 'Collect Alignment Summary Metrics' on usegalaxy.org on either .sam or .bam files the fields in the output for 'SAMPLE ' , LIBRARY' and 'READ_GROUP ' are all blank. I can see that in the sam file header that this information is available in the following line and RG is specified for each read (also GATK unified genotyper does not throw an error which looks for this info).
@RG ID:014L002 PL:ILLUMINA PU:500 LB:not_used PI:250 SM:s330 PG:pair_27_3_15 CN:500 |
It could of course be that I have over looked something, but it would be great if these field were reported as I dump output files directly into a database and this information would be useful to record.
This is a history which illustrates this for a .bam file and a converted. sam version https://usegalaxy.org/u/guy1/h/read-group-check
Thanks Guy
I have noticed that .txt output file from at least one other PICARD tool also fail to report the same fields 'Insertion size metrics'.